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(Thoughts for Today)

There is so much life to live everywhere we go! Even if it is to the places we have been thousands of times. Because even if you're just living the routine you normally live, it is still a blessing. You're still alive, and you still have the chance to have adventures, and to stay up way too late thinking about your future, and to eat whatever the heck you want, and to do what you love, and to read poetry at 2pm on a Saturday afternoon, and to drink your favorite kind of tea when it's hot out, and to play your music too loud, and to dance when you get dressed in the morning, and to sing whenever you want, and to honor God above all things, and to just simply live! He said that all He had created was good, and that included breath -- life. Breathe each breath as if you were falling in love with this idea of living for the very first time. And don't stop to think about the consequences, because true adventures are spontaneous outbursts that cannot be planned. Live in the now and enjoy it. Explore.

(This was written the day before I left for Italy for a two week study abroad trip -- a time that would change my life.)

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