In Transition
I don't think my posts ever come easy. I always choose to write about topics that are emotionally deep and demanding. I have had this...
I Promise
For the past year, I have felt that I would never process some of the experiences from my time in Los Angeles. There were times when I...
An Open Letter to President Donald Trump
A year ago today, Donald Trump was inaugurated was the 45th president of the United States. After listening to his inauguration speech on...
A Hopeful Hello to 2018
Since the start of 2017, I have filled two and a half journals with my thoughts, hopes, questions, prayers, and general reflections on...

Thanksgiving Thoughts
“Christ has no body but yours, No hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes with which He looks compassion on this world. ...

Sewing To Be Sown
This past week I had an assignment to "do your own creative work that expresses your current stage in your post-LA Term journey." This...
Home pt. II
(I wrote pt. 1 of this post with the full intention of following up with this pt. 2 shortly after, which clearly did not happen. Oops.)...

Home pt. I
I have spent the past five months trying to figure out how to live life alone. I have spent the past five months learning what it means...
Patience in Change
"The only thing that is static in life is change." Swami Mahayogananda As I prepare to head back home after a semester in Los Angeles, I...
Words Are Life
"I have hated words and I have loved them, and I hope I have made them right." Markus Zusak - The Book Thief These words are from my all...